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Learn how to freely receive from the kingdom, power, and glory of God to manifest heaven on earth. The Shop offers a wealth of anointed, life-changing Kingdom of God audio, videos, and books, including online courses that will transform your life, and the lives of others.
7th Day Rest, 3rd Day Anointing  -  Audio Products
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Quickened In the Glory

Quickened in the Glory teaches you how to release the power of God under the direction of the Holy Spirit to restore all things to the Kingdom of God. Allow no competition from the enemy as you witness the manifestations of the power of God. Signs follow! Price $30.00
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The Blood Covenant and Communion

The preparation of the lamb and the deliverance of the children of Israel aligns with the restoration of our fellowship and communion with God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit in light. Under the new Blood Covenant, we now have access to the Father by one Spirit. Price $30.00
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This Is the Confidence

How do we know God hears us when we pray? When we really desire to have something, how do we get God to give it to us? This is the Confidence teaches you how to receive what God has already given you. Price $30.00
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Warrior Worship

A warrior who worships God is skilled in living eternal life NOW, unto God his Father in heaven and in the earth. He lives and walks in the spirit actively worshipping God while wearing and moving forward in the Armor of Light. Price $30.00
Audio Series
Blessed To Be A Blessing

It is our Father’s desire is to bless us.  Learn how to receive his blessings and why we should be a blessing at all times.
Blessed To Be A Blessing -- The Father's Heart

The compassion and kindness of the Father's heart are to bless his children. Learn why it is important to live in and release his heart daily.
Blessed To Be A Blessing -- The Flow

Allow yourself to flow with God. For in Him we live, and move and have our being. Receive and release the blessings of God by the Holy Spirit.
Purchase $100.00
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Blessed To Be A Blessing -- Open Portal

Jesus, the true Light, is an open portal in God, now! In Christ, allow God to manifest His purpose in and through you. Speak the thoughts of God allowing them to pass through the open portal and manifest in the earth.
Audio Series
Enter Into My Rest

As Jesus Christ was our example of rest in the midst of a chaotic world, we are to live and walk in God’s rest as we hear and speak his will. the Word of power we speak from the position of God's rest changes our world and the world around us.
Spiritual Rest

Learn how to rest in the Father as we live in eternal life now, fulfilling our purpose and destiny here in this world. Live and remain in rest, in the Father, as we live from the spiritual realm.
Purchase $90.00
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Spiritual Rest In Warfare

Learn the necessity of living from the position of rest. Living our lives at rest in the Lord Jesus Christ enables us to hear the solutions to problems and challenges. War and win the victory that is already won from the position of rest.
Audio Series
How To Release Healing

Learning how and why it is God’s will for us to release his healing power is the desire of many. Preparation in the spirit and soul is key before you release healing power to heal the sick. 
Purchase $90.00
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How To Receive Healing

People desire to receive healing from God but don’t know how. They live day by day hoping that God will do something about their sickness or pain. Discover how to receive what Jesus Christ has already provided. 
​Audio Series
Life In Christ Glorified

People fear death because they don’t know how to live life – eternal life in the NOW. Learn how to yield to the fruit of the Spirit to live and walk in the NOW of God's peace, power, and presence. Live and enjoy eternal life now!
Love In Christ Glorified

God is love. There is no law against God, therefore, there is no law against love. Love is the catalyst for accelerated change spiritually and naturally in any area of our lives. Nothing and no one can stop the power of love in Christ, from working in and through you!
Purchase $80.00
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Light In Christ Glorified

Live, love, and walk in the light of life in Elohim. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” living in and releasing the Light of the Lord Jesus Christ changes lives. Discover the underlying importance of agreeing with God and receiving your miracle!

The Miraculous Realm